The U Corridor's best band is back at Solly's at 11th and U Friday night.
You may be sick of me pimping Milkmachine, but they deserve all the love in the world simply because they make people have fun while they're having fun.
They need no extra help from me when it comes to drawing a crowd -- Solly's and the Velvet Lounge are packed when they play there. This is a service for you. If you want to have fun listening to music, no local band will do you better.
It's good-time music I stumbled upon not long after Man Man broke and turned me on to carny rock. For those not familiar with Man Man, think Tom Waits at not quite his weirdest.
Horns, accordion, keys and often unorthodox percussion making a roots-based outsider sound.
Take it from drummer Jared Saylor: "After an extensive one-show tour of the East Village in New York City, Milkmachine is pleased to announce our long-awaited return to the greatest city on Earth: Washington, D.C.!"
And, "There will be free cookies, T-shirts on sale for 10 bucks, awesome music, a handlebar moustache, Miller High Lifes (the Champagne of Beers), a tuba, my cousins from Ohio, and much, much more!"
You gotta love 'em!
"Show starts around 8 p.m. and will be done by 10 p.m. so there will be plenty of time to head over to Ben's Chili Bowl or visit the African American Civil War Memorial after."
Admission is free. Milkmachine is priceless.