Megan Joy Sent Home From ‘American Idol'

Her unique style and stunning good looks made an impact on the "American Idol" judges and guest mentors on the show's Season 8. But Megan Joy wasn't able to rally enough votes from the public to save her from elimnation on Wednesday evening.

"I would just like to say a couple things; thank you everybody who works on 'Idol.' The contestants — you guys are the best, judges — I love you, America — I love you and baby, I'm coming home," Megan said before the show rolled a clip package showing the "Idol" journey of the 22-year-old Sandy, Utah, mother-of-one.

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Before the elimination was announced, Ryan Seacrest asked Megan what she thought of British judge Simon Cowell's criticisms of her following Tuesday night's performance. Megan said she didn't care and Simon referenced that when he shot down her wild card hopes.

"Megan, with the greatest respect that you don't care — nor do we, so I'm not gonna pretend that we're going to even contemplate saving you," he said. "So this is your swan song."

VIEW THE PHOTOS: 'American Idol' Season 8 Top 13

Megan's elimination leaves just eight finalists in the competition including Anoop Desai and Allison Iraheta, who were the other two contenders in Wednesday's bottom three.

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