Matt Dillon pleaded not guilty Wednesday to a Dec. 30 speeding charge in which police say they spotted the actor doing 106 miles per hour on an interstate highway.
Dillon’s lawyer, Mark Kaplan of Burlington, entered the plea on behalf of the 44-year-old actor. Kaplan said there was no reason for Dillon to attend the arraignment, and he hoped to resolve the case without going to trial.
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“He lives in New York. As you can see from today’s proceedings it’s a 2-minute deal, so it’s really not worth the trip for him to come up here when I can take care of it,” Kaplan said after the hearing.
In an affidavit filed with the Vermont District Court in Chelsea, a state trooper said Dillon was apologetic and cooperative.
“I screwed up, I know, I know,” the affidavit quoted Dillon as saying as a trooper approached his car.
Because Dillon was allegedly traveling more than 30 mph over the posted 65-mph speed limit on the interstate, he was charged with criminal negligent operation. The charge is a misdemeanor that carries a maximum sentence of a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Dillon, whose screen credits include “Crash” and “There’s Something About Mary,” told police he was rushing to meet a friend in the town of Barton.