Kristen Stewart Sets The Record Straight On ‘Twilight' Rumors

Kristen Stewart, who plays mortal Bella Swan in Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight," is taking a bite out of the rumors about Robert Pattinson, the Twi-hard fan base, the Oscars and the likelihood of a fourth movie in the popular vampire franchise.

In an interview with E! Online'sMarc Malkin, Kristen debunked reports that she had an off-screen romance with co-star Robert Pattinson.

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"Rob and I are great friends. But I understand why you would assume that when we lean on each other for support, there must be something more…And I'm not criticizing anyone for thinking it, either. If anything, they're really perceptive, because they can see a closeness," the "Twilight" beauty noted.

In fact, Kristen said it was the dedicated fans that saw this on-screen closeness, and hoped that it would bleed over in to real life.

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"I love the fans," she explained. "I feel like I am one of the fans and any direct interaction I've ever had with them has been the most warm and pleasant and enthusiastic. If anything, it's the biggest driving force that could propel you to do something."

Yet, the frenzy created by the "Twilight" fans, at times, could be overwhelming.

"It's not normal for me to be in a situation that 'Twilight' puts you in," Kristen continued. "It's not personally normal for me to see 5,000 screaming girls. But I'm not criticizing them for being 'crazy' about me. I'm sort of going, 'Wow, this is just crazy!'"

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Kristen also set the record straight on why Robert presented at the Oscars, without her. According to Kristen, she wasn't asked.

"If I was invited to the Oscars, I would be there in a nanosecond," she tells E! "If I got an invitation to the Oscars, I wouldn't turn it down!"

Now that the second film, "New Moon," is about to start production and the third film, "Eclipse," is in development, many are wondering if there will be a fourth.

"We all really hope there is going to be a number four," Kristen admitted. "I'm pretty confident that the fans aren't going to all of a sudden lose interest. The only case that a fourth one wouldn't be made is if all of a sudden people stopped caring, and I really don't think that's going to happen."

With her role in "Twilight," and new projects including "The Runways" and "Adventureland," Kristen couldn't be happier.

"There's really no better position for me to be in right now in my life, and I am entirely grateful," she said.

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