Kelly Osbourne Uncensored On Her Weight & ‘Osbournes Reloaded'

Though she's taken some criticism for her weight over the years, Kelly Osbourne isn't going to change the way she looks.

"It's not like I'm like all the other celebrities in Hollywood that's gonna go do a line of coke to lose weight," she told Access Hollywood at Us Weekly's Hot Hollywood Style party on Wednesday night. "Like, I can't. I won't. I'm not on the Adderall diet."

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And the reality star said it hurts to be put into a box by the media.

"I'm normal and it hurts ten times more because I can't numb it. You know you read it and… I've never tried to be that kind of girl. The last thing I want to do right now is open up a magazine and read about how fat I am."

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"I could be really skinny," she added. "I really could, but I don't want to be really skinny and I like food and I don't want to be on drugs."

Kelly checked herself into rehab for what she said in a statement at the time were "personal reasons" in January, but added that now, things are looking up.

"I'm really, really good right now," she said.

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While her personal life is on the rise, she had mixed feelings about her famous family's short-lived FOX variety show, "Osbournes Reloaded," which lasted a single episode.

"It was so fun to make and it felt like we were a bit f****** over, to be honest. They hired us to be us and now they're penalizing us for it and censoring us," she said. "It's like, 'Well, what did you expect? You hired the Osbournes!'"

"They were very brave to do it," she added, laughing. "But not so much anymore."

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