"American Idol" Season 1 runner-up Justin Guarini thinks Adam Lambert may be heading toward the finals, but two contenders just might give the raven-haired singer a run for his money.
"I think the person who has the best odds of winning based on how America responds to them — hands down Adam," Justin told AccessHolllywood.com. "But, you cannot discount the people like Kris [Allen], and you cannot discount people like Allison [Iraheta]."
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While several former "Idol's" – including Fantasia Barrino — previously tipped Danny Gokey for the top, or at least for the final two, Justin suggested Kris and Allison may be running for the finish line alongside Adam instead.
"I would say those two have some really great outside odds [of] joining Adam in the finale," Justin said.
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Justin, who has an "Idol"-related video blog on Fancast and a gig as co-presenter on "Idol Tonight" on the TV Guide channel, is going to be busy in the run up to the finale, which means he won't be walking down the aisle anytime soon. The star revealed the wedding he previously told AccessHollywood.com about — to fiancee Reina — has been pushed back.
"Because of the both of our schedules — we're both working hard — we said, you know what, let's take the pressure off ourselves," Justin revealed. "We're gonna do it next spring because it's so impossible to organize 300 people for this wedding — that's mostly our families."
Justin said the couple are about to let their friends and family know the date of the upcoming ceremony.
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"We've got the location and we're just about to send out our save the date," he said.
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