Listen, we know you weren't going to do your laundry this weekend anyway.
Instead, drive out to the Commonwealth to throw money at the problem. We never have enough quarters, either, but J. Crew does accept plastic. The Mothership of all things preppy, J. Crew's distribution center (434-385-6700, 25 Millrace Drive, Lynchburg, Va.) is holding its semiannual sale, reports CityShopGirl. Current and off-season gear will offered for up to 70 percent off.
Breathe into a paper bag if you're having trubs right now. It'll be OK, we promise, but you can't be hyperventilating while you're driving. No one wants to pay $80 for a button-down, much less navigate an intern-choked M Street this weekend. If you cut someone off on I-66, we won't complain. As long as you let us through the exit lane first.
One very important heads-up re: dressing-room space. Expect next to none. Wear decent underwear and make your grandma proud.
Saturday, June 13, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Sunday, June 14, 2-6 p.m.