Oh, the party just doesn't stop when you're an intern!
All this summer, the Town Tavern (2323 18th St. NW) in Adams Morgan is hosting a weekly intern night for DC's favorite temporary residents. The barely legal can flash their student IDs, intern badges or those dreaded Scarlet Letters of the congressional intern to gain entry and throw down every Thirsty Thursday.
Interns can guzzle $1 Bud and Bud Light drafts and dive into 50-cent wings Thursdays from 7-11 p.m. And for the month of June, there will also be a free appetizer buffet and various giveaways. Sounds great, until you realize there is only one more Thursday in June. Bummer, dude.
Regardless, if you're one of the unpaid masses, and birthday money from the grandparents is running low, use that Finance 101 knowledge and head to the Town Tavern to get drunk and full for pennies quarters on the dollar.
And for the non-interns out there: Breathe a sigh of relief that your streets are clear at least one night a week.