Hugh Hefner's Daughter To Step Down As Playboy CEO

The “Girls Next Door” apparently aren’t the only women in Hugh Hefner’s life who are going their separate ways.

Christie Hefner, Hugh’s daughter, is stepping down as the chairman and CEO of Playboy Enterprises after two decades, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

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Christie, 56, will remain in her position until January 31.

Playboy Enterprises Inc. has literally and figuratively been my life and career for more than 30 years,” she said. “Last month marked my 20th anniversary as CEO; just as this country is embracing change in the form of new leadership, I have decided that now is the time to make changes in my own life as well.”

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Christie began working at Playboy fresh out of college. In 1982, she became president of Playboy Enterprises and was made chairman and CEO in 1988.

And while she may be quitting the family business, Hugh had nothing but praise for his daughter.

“She has worked tirelessly to expand the company’s franchise, and, as a result of her efforts, the company today has more consumers and fans than at any time in our history,” Hugh said.

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