The women behind the DC-based Bag Ladies Reality Radio are hosting a party to promote National HIV Testing Day (Saturday) and to celebrate the launch of their newest endeavor, Bag Ladies AIDS Project, reports DC Fab.
AIDS is the number one killer of African-American women ages 25-34, and as HIV infection rates continue to climb across the DC area, the Bag Ladies have taken it upon themselves to stress the importance of both safe sex and getting tested for STDs.
Tonight from 5-8 p.m., join the group at their Mix and Mingle Event at Indulj Restaurant and Lounge (1208 U St. NW). Enjoy free manicures and hand massages, learn safety tips and catch Spike Lee's public service announcement, "Stand."
The sponsors might make you squirm a little -- Trojan Brand Condoms and Vagisil among others -- but that's sorta the point, we think. Other sponsors include the Pampering Junkies and OPI nail products, so you can be safe AND cute.
After getting tested, you may wind up a sore arm. And although your mama might not be there to kiss your boo-boo, the free swag bag you'll score at this event will make things alllll better.