Poppy King IS the Queen of Lipstick!
The beauty guru is the creator of the cult collection Lipstick Queen, which is devoted solely to making your lips look great! But for Poppy, there's more to choosing a lipstick or lip gloss color than just your skin and hair color.
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A "lip reader" since age 18, Poppy recommends hues based on your personality, which she can tell just by looking at your pucker! "The way a woman holds her lips is indicative of who they are on the inside, especially how she holds the corners. The different ways the corners go says a lot about what mood they're in and what their personality is."
I asked Poppy to analyze three specific photos of Beyonce, Madonna and Angelina to determine the best shades for them!
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BEYONCE - "Her corners are quite straight - they turn up but don't turn up with abandon. When I look at her lips I see someone with a very strong sense of self. There is something very cautious and that is because of that core belief." For a cautious and protective personality, Poppy says pales and pastels work best. "Colors that are strong but not bright. They should have a smokiness to them."
ANGELINA JOLIE - "I definitely see in her lips there's a huge amount of skepticism. Her lips are obviously very full but they are not inviting… the corners of her mouth are tightly pulled together. She doesn't show much teeth or openness… those lips are a barrier." Poppy's perfect color for Angelina? Nudes are the way to go… and avoid reds!
MADONNA - "She's smiling but the corners of her lips go down. That's a control thing… she wants to stay in charge and in control." For such strong personalities, Poppy recommends peach and apricot hues. "These colors are disarming to people. They calm and relax the viewer. The lipstick needs to soften the personality a little bit."
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Fascinating Stuff! And of course, Lipstick Queen has a shade and texture for everyone! Not to mention, the line is different than any other products around! For example, The "Sinners and Saints" lipstick collection ($18) comes in the same 10 shades. Sinners are the opaque version of the color and Saints are the sheer. "Oxymoron" ($20) is a MATTE gloss… get the name?
Lipstick Queen is available at stores such as Barney's and Henri Bendel or you can check it out online at www.lipstickqueen.com.
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