Florida Man Pleads Not Guilty in Plot to Kill Obama

A federal judge ruled Wednesday the Tampa man be held in jail without bond

Nathan Wine pleaded not guilty to charges he threatened to kill President Barack Obama a day after he was elected president last year.

A federal judge ruled Wednesday Wise, 21, will remain in jail while he awaits trial on federal assault charges.

While it's not uncommon for people to say they want to strangle or kill somebody for things like leaving the toilet seat up or drinking the last bit of sweet tea, it's a total other issue to drop the saying on the commander in chief. 

Prosecutors charge Wine sent the threat via e-mail to, of all people, military recruiters last November while he was speaking with them about joining the service. That probably didn't go a long way to getting him signed up for active duty.

Wine acknowledged sending the e-mail in an interview with the Secret Service and spoke about how the threat could be carried out.

Nathan's lawyers said his client was off his meds for two months when he made the threat.

Wine was already wanted in Polk County for grand theft of a firearm. He was accused of taking a shotgun from a woman's home while he was packing up his own personal items in January.

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