BETHESDA, Md. — He may be the president, but he's still a dad.
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama took a break from a busy Friday afternoon to go to a parent-teacher conference for their daughter, Sasha.
The Obamas could have visited with Sasha's teachers for about an hour, the length of their trip to Sidwell Friends School in residential Maryland. The pool of reporters who travel with the president weren't allowed inside.
During their visit, police and security monitored the school outside as neighborhood residents stood on nearby lawns watching for any signs of the Obamas. After the conference, crowds outside the school cheered as the president exited the school and briefly waved to onlookers before walking to a parking area underneath the school.
The Obamas may have been in a time crunch for the visit. Their motorcade rolled quickly through city street intersections that police had blocked off to other traffic, making it to their appointment in about 20 minutes.
Crowds of pedestrians lined up on the warm Friday afternoon and cheered on the motorcade as it swept through the city both times.
Sasha Obama, 7, is in second grade at the Sidwell Friends School in Bethesda. Older daughter Malia is a fifth-grader at Sidwell's middle school in the District of Columbia. The girls have been attending the private school since they moved into town earlier this year.