We normally wouldn't send you folks to a site with a name like SexReally.com, unless we wanted you to catch a virus on your, um, computer. But SexReally.com, which launched recently, aims to inform without being creepy or not-safe-for-work.
The site incorporates Twitter feeds, blog posts, polls and podcasts with sage titles like "Starting a Relationship With Sex: Running the Bases Backwards."
Think of it as a sex-info site that's not afraid to, well, make sex jokes.
Headed up by Pulitzer Prize winner and former Washington Post journalist Laura Sessions Stepp, the site is geared toward teens and 20-somethings seeking info on love, sex, relationships, contraception, pregnancy and whether you should make coffee for your hookup before leaving in the morning.
"SexReally will not tell visitors how to think but it will give them something to think and talk about," said Sessions Stepp.
The site doesn't mince words:
"Dating in your 20's is kind of a clusterf***. Everyone has different expectations. Are you hooking up? Dating? Friends with benefits? Part of the confusion is you never know if you are going to get a 'hookup guy' or a 'relationship guy.'"
Man, we've heard that one before.
Despite all this saucy talk, the site was created in conjunction with National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. A set of vid-comic-journalists (yeah, that's a technical term) -- including You Tube star Kicesie Drew -- create funny and informative YouTube videos, like "Fashion Makeover … With a Baby," a "Queer Eye" spoof:
"And we actually have one more surprise for you... we here at 'Fashion Makeover,' we met a guy, he has agreed to. Get. You. PREGNANT! ...Nine months later you have to raise the baby, but everyone in Hollywood is doing this right now."
"At present, seven in ten pregnancies among single 20-somethings are described by women themselves as unplanned," said Sarah Brown, CEO of The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. "This startling fact is an untold story and suggests that many young people simply are not thinking carefully enough about relationships, sex and contraception -- or the very real risk of unplanned pregnancy."
Man, we get ya, Sarah. We hear you need to feed babies, like, every single day.