You know those awful, depressing dollar stores that carry crappy plastic kitchenware and bottom-of-the-line socks with Jennifer Aniston's head photoshopped onto a low-budget model? You're not really gonna find anything there that will actually make you happy. Whereas at the 99-cent sushi happy hour at Kyoto Japanese Restaurant (201 Massachusetts Ave. N.E.), you're not gonna find anything that WON'T make you happy!
Every weekday from 5-7 p.m., you can fill up on a "limited" selection of sushi for 99 cents. We put limited in oh-so-mocking quote marks because the selection actually is pretty vast: tuna, salmon, steamed shrimp, izumidai, squid, crab stick, masago, mackerel, octopus and inari. (Phew. Got that?)
It's a dressed-down atmosphere here, stuffed with Hill staffers at lunchtime with a bit more space at dinner. If you're hungry beyond dollar sushi, all-you-can-eat sushi goes for $24.95. Kyoto's also popular for its takeout, so if you grab a six-pack on your way home, you could always have your own happy hour in your living room.