Dish Of Salt: Top 10 TV Quotes Of The Week – ‘Bachelor' Edition!

With the finale, two "After The Final Rose" ceremonies and an all-out media talk show blitz this week, it was all about "The Bachelor" shocker.

#10 — "I could see myself having a relationship with you. You haven't proposed yet. You still have a chance."
ABC's "The Bachelor"

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"The Bachelorette" DeAnna Pappas in New Zealand telling Jason Mesnick she should forget his other two girls and go back to her. (At least that's how the producer's editing made it seem. Who knows what she really meant.) 


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#9 — "All I can do is thank you for giving me this opportunity, but I've found two girls who I'm completely falling for."
ABC's "The Bachelor"

Jason's response to Deanna.


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#8 — "I came here to find somebody to spend the rest of my life with and we're not right for each other."
ABC's "After The Final Rose"

Jason telling Melissa Rycroft it's over.


#7 — "Why did you put a ring on my finger? To me getting engaged and finding that person was a once in a lifetime thing and you took that from me. You took it."
ABC's "After The Final Rose"

Melissa's response after he reveals he still has feelings for Molly Malaney


#6 — "I ended things with her because I haven't been able to stop thinking about you."ABC's "After The Final Rose"

Jason revealing to Molly for the first time (so we are led to believe) that he is still in love with her.


#5 -- "Don't call me and don't text me anymore. Leave me alone please."
ABC's "After The Final Rose"

Melissa Rycroft's final words to Jason.


#4 — "I asked Jason, I said, 'Am I gonna be blindsided by anything? Is there anything you want to tell me?' and he said, 'No, no, no gosh no' and the second I went out on the stage he goes, 'Well p.s. it is Molly.'"
"The Ellen Degeneres Show"

Melissa telling Ellen that Jason lied to her about talking to Molly and her being involved in their breakup.


#3 — "I completely regret doing that. I regretted it every single day since that happened and I will regret probably every day for the rest of my life."
"The Ellen Degeneres Show"

Jason telling Ellen how sorry he is for lying to Melissa about Molly


#2 -- "I hope that you do get married.. but I'm pretty confident that you won't."
ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live"

Jimmy Kimmel to Jason the night after the first "After The Final Rose" ceremony aired.


#1 — "And look for Ty this fall on the premiere of "Ok So Who The Hell's My New Mom?"
Yahoo's 'Primetime In No Time Recap"

Comedian/host Frank Nicotero on Jason's four-year-old son Tyler's next step. (ok, technically this is not a TV show but its the funniest quote of the week!)

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