Dish of Salt: ‘The Bachelorette's' Bromance Runs Deep

Deanna Pappas may not have found her happy ending on “The Bachelorette,” after calling off her engagement to snowboarder Jesse Csincsak, but the show was not a complete loss. Of course, her number two choice, Jason Mesnick, is currently taking his spin on ABC’s “The Bachelor,” hoping to find his own happy ending. Even more interesting though is how Deanna’s bachelor rejects have struck up a very close “bromance” since the show ended.

A group of the guys including Jesse, Jeremy Anderson (a lawyer from Dallas,TX), Richard Mathy (a science teacher from Binghamton, NY) and Brian Westendorf (a high school football coach from Ft. Worth, TX) have become extremely close friends and recently hooked up for a ski reunion weekend in Jesse’s hometown of Breckenridge, Colorado.

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“As soon as we were legally allowed to talk to one another we were on the phone and email and MySpace and texting each other, talking about all the insanity that was our whirlwind ‘Bachelorette’ experience,” Brian told me.

“We got six to eight really close friends and the “star” of the show got to take a cab home from her breakup,” Jeremy added.

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Since the show ended last May they have had several guys weekends together including a trip to NYC for fellow show alum Graham Bunn’s charity launch and a weekend in Dallas.

“The next big stop together is Vegas!” according to Brian.

So, what do they do when they get together? Talk about the show, of course! “There is the occasional reference to that little known show that brought us together,” Richard says. “But for the most part it focuses on what guys talk about every time we get together, how to fix the BCS!”

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This close group of friends also includes Mesnick. The guys have all been watching “The Bachelor” and have some ideas about whom he should choose.

Jeremy believes Stephanie, the widowed mom, would be most suited for Jason. “Stephanie is probably the most prepared for the situation having a four-year-old daughter of her own and having been married before. She seems like a very mature and responsible person and would make a great partner and seems to be a great mother already.”

Jesse believes Lauren or Melissa would be a good fit but adds that he hopes Jason will pick, “the girl best suited for him.”

But when I asked whom the others thought Jason would pick, the choice was unanimous. “Melissa. It’s all over the Internet and nothing on the Internet can be wrong, right?” Richard says.

According to Jeremy, “ABC all but showed us who it was and she seems to have a fun and quirky personality that Jason would be attracted to. They make a great match.”

As for their own love matches, after a bumpy start when the show ended, Jeremy is currently dating a girl from Dallas. Jesse has been seeing “Bachelor: London” contestant Holly Durst while Richard and Brian remain single but looking. When asked if any of the girls peaked his interest this season Brian took the politically correct route, “If Jason said, ‘Hey buddy this girl wasn’t for me but I think you should ask her out,’ I’d do it, but I’d have to have his permission first. Guy code, you know.”

Now that’s a true “Bachelor” bromance!

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