Report: DC Area Among Worst in Nation for Safe Driving

WASHINGTON — When it comes to safe driving, the District and surrounding areas rank among the worst places in the country, according to a new report from the insurance company Allstate.

Of the nation’s 200 largest cities, the D.C. region is nearly dead last.

“It is at the bottom of the list, so there’s definitely room for improvement,” said Allstate spokeswoman Kyla O’Brien.

The report, which was compiled using Allstate insurance claims data, ranks Alexandria, Virginia, at 189, D.C. at 197 and Baltimore at 198.

In Alexandria, the average driver experiences a crash every 6.7 years, which is 50.3 percent more often than the national average of every 10 years. Drivers in the District are involved in a crash every 4.9 years, which is 106.2 percent more often than the national average, and Baltimore drivers get into a crash every 4.7 years, which is a staggering 113.7 percent more often than the national average.

“There are a lot of distractions on the road when it comes to driving,” said O’Brien, citing the region’s exceptionally clogged streets and highways.

“People aren’t as aware of what’s going on around them.”

Allstate calls the report a “safe driving reminder” ahead of the Fourth of July holiday, which the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found is the deadliest day of the year on average for drivers.

The Allstate report includes an interactive map.

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