How Much Living Space $300K Buys in DC

WASHINGTON — When stacked against states, you’ll get the least amount of living space in the country for $300,000 in the District. studied median $300,000 sales in D.C. and all 50 states on Zillow to determine the average square footage of each of those sales.

It says in the District, $300,000 buys you, on average, 603 square feet — a large studio or a small one-bedroom.

The report does not include data for square-footage buying power across the entire Washington metro area.

The District tops even Hawaii, where $300,000 buys, on average, 625-square feet.

Maryland ranks No. 40 on the list, where $300,000 buys an average 1,816 square feet of home. Virginia comes in at No. 30, at 2,071-square-feet.

Where does $300,000 buy the most living space? Indiana tops the list, at an average 3,478 square feet.

Again, these are statewide averages, and do not necessarily reflect higher-cost metro centers in each state.

Here are’s 10 most expensive states (D.C. included), based on residential cost-per-square-foot:

  1. District of Columbia: 603 square feet
  2. Hawaii: 625 square feet
  3. California: 1.066 square feet
  4. Massachusetts: 1,327 square feet
  5. Colorado: 1,471 square feet
  6. Oregon: 1,588 square feet
  7. Rhode Island: 1,635 square feet
  8. New York: 1,664 square feet
  9. Washington: 1,694 square feet
  10. Montana: 1,779 square feet

You can see the entire state list on’s website.

The post How much living space $300K buys in DC appeared first on WTOP.

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