Courtney Love, Sponsored By Femine Hygiene Product?

Courtney Love, Sponsored By Femine Hygiene Product? was originally published on Black Plastic Bag on Jan. 05, 2009, at 12:45 pm

Courtney Love should already be on The Surreal Life by now. That’s the great tragedy. This is just farce: Apparently, Courtney Love’s new album will be “sponsored” by a tequila company and a tampon maker. The Guardian UK writes:

When [the album] does finally land, the album, Nobody’s Daughter, will be Courtney Love’s first release since 2004. “She will not make you wait another year or five,” her administrator emphasised. “The artwork is pretty much done [and] Courtney has 30 million dollars in sponsorships from a prominent feminine hygiene/menstrual company and a prominent tequila company.”

Love has yet to confirm how these sponsorships will manifest – a free bottle and tampon with every CD? – or whether the album will be a free download. In a blogpost this weekend, she hardly touched on the album at all – ranting instead about people who pretend to be her late husband, Kurt Cobain.

Love needs to just quit. Really.

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