Read this and you'll look smart. You don't have to be intelligent to impress people -- you just have to fake it. Here's a daily list of fascinating articles that will wow your friends, surprise your co-workers and make you seem sharp at a cocktail party or over the lunch counter....
- Colombia has decided to re-brand itself after years of violence and corruption and has sought out the help of a marketing consultant to help in that endeavor. The country has adopted the slogan "Colombia is passion" for starters.
- Ill-timed, definitely, but impressive nonetheless. Europe's biggest mall is slated to open this week, boasting 265 shops, 50 restaurants, 4,500 parking spaces and charging docks for electric cars.
- Boeing is anticipating approval of biofuel use in its aircrafts within the next three to five years.
- A department store in Mexico is rolling out new virtual fitting rooms -- 3D body scanners that provide exact measurements for customers.
- It took five months for Pepsi to revamp its logo. The cost of designing a new logo may run about $1 million but the real cost -- of changing all the trucks, vending machines stadium signage, etc -- could run into hundreds of millions.
- Corporate morale in Germany fell to its lowest level since May 2003 during the month of October.