D.C. Neighborhoods: Real Estate Winners in 2008

D.C. Neighborhoods: Real Estate Winners in 2008 was originally published on Housing Complex on Mar. 27, 2009, at 6:28 pm

The Washington Post has compiled a list of zip code information for Washington D.C., comparing real estate data from 2007 and 2008. Some areas jumped significantly in terms of median price, though most saw fewer sales in general. Here’s a list of which neighborhoods have some positive news to report from 2008.

20007-The general Foxhall/Glover Park area had 199 sales in 2008 compared to 237 in 2007. But the median home price climbed to $1.075 million from the previous year’s $909,150.

20012-The Takoma Park/Shepherd Park area had 73 sales in 2008, down from 93 the previous year. But median price jumped from $489,000 to $550,000.

20015-The Chevy Chase area had 185 sales in 2007 and 138 sales last year, however the median sales price increased from $840,000 in ‘07 to $870,000 last year.

There were a few other areas that saw median prices jump up, but they had such a small number of sales that each one carried a great deal of weight. With each of the above zip codes, a significant amount of property sold over the course of the year.

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