Another D.C. workday, another pair of black pants, black flats, crisp white blouse. ... Sorry, did we just doze off for a second there?
Fortch, the District's spent the past couple years suddenly becoming fashionable, thanks to new boutiques, designer behemoths like Barneys Co-Op arriving on M Street -- and local fashionistas unwilling to settle for yet another pair of Ann Taylor slacks.
Local fashion blog Glamazon Diaries has exploded in popularity since its launch two years ago, and rising style guru Makeda Saggau-Sackey is throwing an appropriately stylish party to celebrate. Obvs.
Friday night's shindig at SPOT Lounge (1214 18th St. N.W.) will have "a few models, reality TV stars [and] style gurus," writes Saggau-Sackey.
A red carpet special starts at 9 p.m. to kick off the party, which runs until 2 a.m.
The sleek SPOT Lounge is a more-than-suitable location for any fashion blowout, especially since its walls are covered with runway photos. Huh, it's like Makeda planned that or something. Amazing!
D.C.'s new floral subscription service Petals for the People will be providing arrangements that a couple lucky guests will get to take home. We're guessing the bouquets are going to be a whole lot better looking than the monstrosity you swiped from the head table as you fled your cousin's wedding last month.
An open bar (9-11 p.m.) comes your way from Italian beer brewer Peroni, Virginian winery Paradise Springs and Glaceau SmartWater. (Is it just us, or do Glaceau products show up at literally every single fashion event in the city? District Sample Sale and Urban Chic, we're looking at you ... and hey, D.C. Scout even used to end up with cases of Vitamin Water in its office.)
And yes, mere mortals can attend. After all, we're not all Stacy and Clinton (although we'd sure like to be). RSVP here.
Attire is cocktail-chic, so hide the flip-flops under your bed and forget you ever owned them. At least until the next time the Metro's delayed and you realize how painful it is to walk 10 blocks in heels.