On Thursday morning, Ashton Kutcher awoke to the sound of his neighbor’s jack-hammering construction and responded with an expletive-laden video blog. But, after a change of heart, the star took to his Twitter and video site Qik.com to apologize to his neighbor.
“I’ve calmed down from my morning spazz-out. You’re very vulnerable at 7 AM,” he said in a video posted on Qik.com on Thursday afternoon. “I like my alarm clock to be a nice tune, like John Mayer or something like that. But in light of reflection, I just want to say, I will be more tolerant of my neighbor’s construction in the morning, as he tolerated my construction at my home.”
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“I thank the Twitter nation for being so understanding of what it’s like to be woken up by the neighbors, so God bless,” he added.
Later, in a pair of videos posted on Friday, Ashton and wife Demi Moore were captured throwing down bottles of Vitamin Water to workers in the neighbor’s construction site. And, in a stunt borrowed from John Cusack in “Say Anything,” Ashton held up speakers during the clip, playing Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes,” in the direction of the workers.
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“Redemption. Feels good,” Ashton said in the video.
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