Access Exclusive: Jennifer Lopez On Her Twins & The Possibility Of More Children

Jennifer Lopez definitely wants more kids – maybe not right now, but somewhere down the line.

Jennifer sat down with Access Hollywood'sShaun Robinson for her first in-depth interview about her twins and future plans on adding even more kids to the family with husband Marc Anthony.

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"Everything I do is always about,' I just got to get back to see the babies,'" Jennifer said of 1-year-old twins Maximillian David and Emme Maribel. "'What time am I going to be able to get back?'"

Jennifer said the twins loved their first birthday party and she and Marc worked hard to not let it be too extravagant.

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"It was awesome. They had such a good time. For 1-year-olds, you don't think they're really gonna enjoy their party, [that] they're gonna be in their own world," she said.

"Were there dinosaurs and all?" Shaun asked.

"No, no, no - it was not 'Mommy Dearest,' okay!" Jennifer said with a laugh. "They didn't have a carnival in the backyard! [But,] we had a bouncy [bounce] and a little clown and other little kids and snow cones, very cute."

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Of course, being the talented singers they are, Jen and Marc treated the twins to their rendition of "Happy Birthday," which, like the party, was also low-key.

"We weren't harmonizing or anything like that," she told Shaun. "Real monotone like everyone does it."

When Shaun asked about the possibility of more kids, the 39-year-old revealed that Marc is ready now.

"Let me work just a little bit first, Let me get a couple things out there … one song, one movie, something." She said. "Marc is like, 'What are we waiting for?'"

The singer/actress, on the other hand, wants a bit of a break before getting pregnant again.

"I like [need] to recuperate," she continued. "I definitely want to have more though. I don't know if it's in the cards for us, but I would like to."

Jennifer revealed that motherhood has affected her usual globetrotting lifestyle.

"I have to start thinking about traveling without them and that's a big traumatizing thing for me now. I'm going to have to learn how to balance it," Jennifer explained. "I feel like deep in my heart, that the best thing is for them to always be with me, but then sometimes I feel like I'm taking them out of their comfort zone, and maybe it's not, and maybe a 16-hour flight for them to go for two days is not good."

As for getting back on the stage, in the recording studio or back on the big screen, Jennifer said the time is now.

"Now I feel like I'm ready. I feel like [the twins] are walking around and they're kind of like their own little people," she said.

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