Aaron Gilchrist anchors News4 Today, the #1 morning newscast in Washington, along with Eun Yang. Aaron’s day starts in the middle of the night, as he’s on the air at 4:00 every morning.
Aaron joined News4 in March 2010 as a weekend morning anchor and general assignment reporter. He moved to weekday mornings in April 2012. Gilchrist continues to provide special reports across News4 broadcasts and hosts special programs for the station. He’s been honored with two Emmy awards.
Before coming to Washington, Aaron spent 11 years in his hometown of Richmond at WWBT, NBC’s affiliate there. He began working there as a desk assistant and worked his way up to morning anchor.
Aaron’s reporting and anchoring has covered many of the major events of the last two decades. In 2016, he covered the Iowa Caucuses and the Philadelphia Democratic National Convention leading up to the presidential election. He also provided live reports from the Republican National Convention in Tampa in 2013. Aaron has also contributed as a panelist in Virginia senate and gubernatorial debates.
During his time on the anchor desk in Washington, Aaron has guided viewers through tropical storms and blizzards, the retirement trip of the space shuttle Discovery to northern Virginia and the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard. He also spent several days in Orlando and Las Vegas reporting on mass shootings in those cities.
Aaron has covered the funeral of Ronald Reagan and the historic inauguration of Barack Obama. In 2005, he spent several days reporting from the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina. Two years later, he made several trips to Virginia Tech to cover the mass shooting there and its aftermath.
Gilchrist graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond with a degree in mass communications. He also taught journalism courses there. Today, Gilchrist commits much of his time to working with local youth organizations and talking to students about the value of education and a strong work ethic.
Gilchrist lives in Washington, DC.