SUCH A THRILLER: DJ Dredd throws a Michael Jackson Birthday Celebration at the 9:30 Club (815 V St. N.W.). You probably know Dredd best from his "Prince vs. (Insert Other Pop Artist Here)" dance parties at the Black Cat -- but this event is all MJ, all the time (OK, or at least for the night). The late pop star's birthday was actually Aug. 29, but we won't complain if you won't. 8 p.m.; $35.
NO-BILL WILL: The Shakespeare Theatre Company's annual Shakespeare Free for All has moved to Harman Hall (610 F St. N.W.). This year's offering is "Twelfth Night," with tickets available via online lottery. Visit the website between midnight and 1 p.m. on the day of the performance to enter; winners will be notified by e-mail. 8 p.m.; free.
FLYING SQUIRREL: D.C. Beer Week continues to pour it out! A meet-the-brewer night at the Black Squirrel (2427 18th St. N.W.) includes the tapping of Flying Dog's Snake Dog IPA -- yep, allll the way from Frederick, Md. Flights of five beer samples are $15, with individual beers from $5 to $9. 6 p.m.; no cover.
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