
It's Illegal for Anyone 13 and Up to Trick-or-Treat in Parts of Virginia

Who said trick-or-treating is just for kids?

Well, several governments in Virginia did. It's illegal for anyone 13 or older to trick-or-treat in several places in the state, including Chesapeake, Hampton and Virginia Beach.

The Hampton Roads, Virginia, website hrScene first compiled a list of strict trick-or-treating rules in the state.

Here are the rules:

Chesapeake: It’s illegal for anyone over 12 years old to go trick-or-treating, the city’s website says. The hours for trick-or-treating are 6 to8 p.m. and Chesapeake Police staff will be out making sure everyone is safe.

Hampton: It’s illegal for anyone over 12 to go trick-or-treating, and doing so is considered a Class 4 misdemeanor, the city's website says. All trick-or-treating must stop at 8 p.m.

James City County: Trick-or-treating must occur from 6 to 8 p.m. and is only for children 12 years old and under, the county's website says

Newport News: It’s illegal for anyone over 12 to go trick-or-treating, and doing so is considered a Class 4 misdemeanor, the city's website says. All trick-or-treating must stop at 8 p.m.

Norfolk: It's illegal to trick-or-treat if you are over 12 years old, and doing so is considered a Class 4 misdemeanor, the city's website says. Trick-or-treating cannot go later than 8 p.m.

Portsmouth: It's illegal for anyone over 12 years old to trick-or-treat, and doing so is a Class 3 misdemeanor unless you are a parent accompanying a child, the city's website says. All trick-or-treating must end at 8 p.m.

Suffolk: Halloween is designated as “Meet ‘N Treat Day,” and it is illegal for anyone older than 12 years old to go door-to-door requesting treats. The “treating” custom must end at 8 p.m. or a Class 4 misdemeanor is possible, the city's website says

Virginia Beach: It is illegal for anyone over 12 years old to trick-or-treat. It's punishable as a Class 3 misdemeanor unless you are a parent accompanying a child. All trick-or-treating begins at dusk and ends at 8 p.m., the city's website says

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