Maryland Committee Reviewing State Police Amendments to New Gun Laws

Rally in Annapolis

A Maryland committee reviewing new gun measures approved some amendments made by state police Monday afternoon.

While sales are better than ever at the Maryland Small Arms Range in Upper Marlboro, they are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Gun trainer Jack Donaldson said people are trying to buy guns before the new law goes into effect. A former lawman, he said the state has created a mess that he expects to soon hurt gun sales in Maryland.

On Oct. 1, Maryland will institute some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

During the summer, the Maryland State Police Department created regulations to put the law into effect. A committee on firearms reviewed the regulations today.

Gun supporters argue that state police inserted components of the law that legislators purposely left out, like having to fire a gun at a range in order to receive a handgun qualification license.

Delegate Michael Smigiel (R-District 38) said the legislature debated the live fire component and decided against it.

The NRA and other gun advocates held a rally in Annapolis in hopes of swaying lawmakers to challenge the regulations made by Maryland State Police.

Groups supporting the law were also there.

Although the laws take effect next week, gun sellers and ranges are still waiting to see what they’re going to look like.

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