Caps Talk iPods

We have some sessions of Give Us Your iPod planned for the Caps this season, but in the meantime the team sat down and talked about who has the best and worst iPods.

The votes for best iPod were pretty mixed, but Ovi won worst iPod hands down.

Jay Beagle: "Ovi's got the worst because it's usually in Russian, or techno."

John Carlson: "The worst iPod is definitely Ovi. I don't think his iPod consists of any songs with words in them."

John Erskine: "Ovi's probably got one of the worst tastes in music I've ever heard."

Mike Knuble: "Sounds like you're in a fancy sushi restaurant for most of the time."

We don't know where Knubes gets his sushi, but it sounds pretty hip.

Maybe Ovi needs to mix up his pre-game hype music. Clearly his teammates aren't as excited about DJ Pauly D.

Questions, comments or tips? Email Sarah at You can also follow her on Twitter (@sarahschorno).

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